Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Light, Shadow, & Reflection

 He stood in the doorway...

All she could see was his huge chest, 

long skinny legs,

Hooves for feet,

and the two horns that stuck out from each side

of his head. 

He stood tall in the doorway which she 

falsely believed was the door through which she

was supposed to go through to get to God.

But just as she was about to take a step,

something touched her hand..

This is when she realized she wasn't alone.

She had believed for so long,

that she was supposed to seek God.

That she was supposed to battle everything

and everyone just to get to him.

And when she saw the beast that 

stood in the doorway, she realized she was 

never to fight for God. 

The beast wasn't fighting anyone. 

He was just guarding what God had given him.


But she wasn't darkness.

She was light.

And for her to go to the darkness and try to

get in and shine her light,

she would have to let go of her God self.

God never said to fight darkness. 

He said to accept it for what it was. 

And choose. 

She chose the light.

She took the hand of her Higher Self

and said good-bye to the beast. 

Then she turned to the light and her shadow self

went back to the ground where it felt the most 


And she, from that point on, 

spread her wings and learned to fly!  

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