Saturday, March 23, 2024

Magic in the Air

 The Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse was becoming

the talk of the Spiritual web. 

She, herself, was becoming more aware of 

the need to close out a chapter with each 

New moon Full Moon cycle. 

So she looked back in her blog to around

 October 14th 2023.

This was when the New Moon Solar Eclipse 

in Libra had taken place.

At that time, she was still trying to change 

her Plutonic Twin.

Of course she hadn't yet, at that time, 

come to the realization that he was just a reflection

 of her own masculine energy

that had turned against her feminine energy 

a long long time ago... Like a fairytale.


There it was! 

All this time, she had thought all the problems

in her life were 'OUT THERE' in others! 

And that 'they' needed to be changed because 

she was just an innocent victim. 


No wonder her Plutonic Twin was reflecting 

so much of what she hated.

Yet she was doing it to herself and not even 

aware of it. 

Talk about self betrayal

in it's finest!

During this Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse,

Venus was going to conjunct the asteroids

of Self deceit and self sabotage.

And she had been around that block 

one too many times already. 

So she knew exactly what she had to do. 

As long as her journey had been,

 today was the day she finally

 opened her eyes

and woke up.

And the most magical part of her fairytale, 

was that it didn't take the kiss of a Prince 

to do so.

The only thing it really did require,

was the reflection of her Plutonic Twin in order for her 

 Masculine energy to finally see that it needed to go back to 

her Venus in order to understand and feel 

what she really wanted in this life. 

To be the winner of a fight that no one ever won. 


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