Tuesday, March 5, 2024

I See Evolution

She had finally allowed herself to see the truth.

She loved her father very much.

Nothing he could do, or would do,

ever made her love him less. 

Even when he abused her mother.

She just took it and allowed herself to believe 

it was what needed to be done. 

She ended up turning her back on her own 

feminine energy. 

Hating it. 

Not allowing it to speak. 

And even when her father would say hurtful 

things to her, 

she would just agree with it. 

And eventually, she played it out. 

But only to please Daddy. 

If he wanted to put her down, 

she was his slave.

She became so twisted up in her obsession

for an outside attachment to his acceptance. 

All she ever wanted was for him to see her.

The real her. 

To accept her, as she was. 

But every time he got upset with her, 

she would change herself to please him. 

She ended up changing herself so much... 


he never approved her. 

It took her 45 years to understand

that he was never her daddy.

He was a Narcissist.

God was her real father. 

And now... 

It was time...

To go back Home. 

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