Monday, March 11, 2024

The Surrender

 The Pisces New Moon was really keeping her 

up in the clouds all day long... 


 with Venus trailing on into Pisces

 as well the very next day, 

she really couldn't settle down at all.

Something was really trying to break free

from deep within her. 

Earlier in the day, 

her inner child had said the name 'Sarah' to her,

and told her it was an actress. 

Come later that night ,

she went to watch a movie as per usual and 

 was drawn to the movie,

 Failure to Launch.

As it began, there it was...

Sarah Jessica Parker. 

So she continued to watch the movie. 

In the end of the movie a vision came to her. 

When her father died, she had lost all hope to live. 

She quit her job as an assistant store manager and

became a part time kitchen help.

 She began drinking heavily.

and started to destroy herself. 

She even began to not care about relationships. 

Until she got sick. 

Then she became scared to get intimate with anyone,

which made her choose to stay with only one guy.

Unfortunately, this guy she had was already married. 

And so therefore she prayed to find the one guy

that would be safe enough to be with till 

death did them part.


Little did she know, 

the fear deep inside her, was the actual attractor

and not her Venus. 

And so with that, she attracted her shadow side 

in a human form. 

The Plutonic Twin.

 He opened her eyes big time to all that she had been 

hiding deep within her psyche.

Trying to change herself for mom and dad's 

approval all her life had created an obsession in her. 

This obsession was a form of hidden revenge.

She figured that since she had to change herself

in order to be accepted, which really she never 


But in this way, she made it her job to try to change 

everyone else, only she called it Spirituality. 

But all she really ended up doing, was wasting 

a lot of time and energy trying to create

a false reality.


With The New Moon in Pisces...

She decided to finally let it all go. 

It was never really her. 

It was attached to her fear. 

Fear of being who she truly came here to be. 

Who God had made her. 

And so she planted a new seed.

The seed of Love.

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