Monday, March 4, 2024

The Truth Within

The End had finally come.

She was once again reunited with her true love. 

Her Venus. 

Her Mars action energy was ready to stop believing

that the Love he was searching for, was OUT THERE. 

And so Today, marked the first day to a new 

Chapter in her life. 

The one between her Mars and her Venus. 

She took her Plutonic Twin situation-ship

 and finally put it to rest. 

She had realized that the only reason she 

even began to believe in Twin Flames

was because she listened to an external source!

It took her long enough to realize

 that by listening to an external source,

she herself was putting someone on a pedestal. 

With that, 

She had put herself under the spell of believing

that there was a higher power other than God. 

Venus was finally able to reveal the truth to her

the other day when she finally made her Mars

reconnect with her Venus while making

 a Mood and Energy Flow Board. 

She finally allowed herself to see that this 

was, indeed, her karmic lesson in this life. 

And she was ready to see it for what it really was.

Everything that she had been fighting herself about. 

And so now, she was ready to move on up into

her true life's mission and purpose. 

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