Monday, March 25, 2024

What A Feeling...?

Today was a huge day for revelations!

They just kept pouring in all morning long!

And so now, 

she figured it was high time

that she tried to make sense of them. 

The Libra Full Moon Eclipse had unveiled for her

a false belief that she had been tripping over for 

a very long time. 

It had to do with Black Moon Lilith and Eris. 

Both feminine in energy. 

Yet, they rebelled quite differently. 

Black Moon Lilith was an emotion that 

when left unprocessed, attracted in Eris. 

And Eris translated to Ego, in the Spiritual Realm.

However, both of these energies, really had no 

place in the human female archetype expression.

Today, she realized she had both of them. 

Black Moon Lilith and Eris. 

She was fooled by the false belief she allowed herself

to hold onto so tightly when she was young.

And they had chased off her Mars ever so deceitfully!

He was no where to be found. 

Her Eris was running the show now. 

But she was a fighter and she wasn't going to 

allow it to continue anymore. 

Thanks to the Full Moon in Libra,

 and Her Plutonic Twin,

She was now able to see the whole truth!

And nothing but the truth.


Her Black Moon Lilith's shame, exclusion, 

and guilt just needed to be processed. 

Six simple steps. 

Once she took them, she would be free!

Her Venus could finally attract back in her Mars. 

And the two of them could finally move her vision

forward as One! 

Just as God had intended. 


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