Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Cry if You Want to...

It was the day of Fool's

yet, she didn't do her usual joke. 

 Something in her was just not in the mood.

Things were changing.

and even though she didn't know where they 

were taking her, 

she allowed the flow to just carry her 

where it would.

She was learning the great art of 


Trusting the Unknown.

The things she already knew and experienced

didn't seem to excite her anymore.

Her escape mechanisms have become dull and


It was time to allow for something new to be born.

Something more real.

Something that only she could connect with

and enjoy.

Something she's never actually allowed herself 

to experience before.

And today she decided to make that exact decision.

It was going to be a whole new world.

A whole new outlook. 

One that focused on her and who God had 

created her to be. 

She was finally going to accept her truth in it's 


It was going to be the reunion of the century!

Everyone was invited.

Yet no one got an invitation.

This party was only for those who knew,

because they themselves felt it too. 

Just as she did. 

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