Sunday, April 7, 2024

Start aGAiN

The Energy was like a pressure cooker. So much

was happening  in the world all around her.

People were losing, then winning, then losing BIG!

It was definitely going to be one explosive 

Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse tomorrow!

No doubt,

she, herself, had been feeling the exact same 

destructive energies too.


 since she knew how to read her own natal chart,

she was well aware of what angles things would be

coming at her from. 

She had been working on her boundaries and it really 

was helping her to repel any and all 

the negative energies that were trying to break her.


she couldn't say the same thing about her Plutonic Twin.

He was barely hanging on by a thin thread.

And she knew it wasn't going to end well if he didn't

see the truth of what was happening around him.

As well as what was trying to come out from within


But she also remembered that she was her own

responsibility, just as he was his own.

And so she continued to focus on only that which she had

control over, 


As she sat at the coffee table typing away at her 

blog, she began to seek out her next 

journey in this so called Spiritual Journey of hers.

What would this Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse 

Bring to her, she wondered?

Would it open up more of who she truly was?

Would it open up a new desire in her?

A new spark?

A new direction?

She was open to it all. 

There really was nothing more to lose

 and everything to gain.

She was ready to adventure forward. 

Time was passing her by and she knew

it couldn't wait any longer for her to jump on.

It was now or never. 

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