Monday, April 8, 2024

Eight Hundred Eighty-Eight

 The Solar Eclipse hadn't even made it's appearance yet,

but already she was getting insights

popping up left and right like crazy!

A lot of it had to do with her Plutonic Twin.

It was all beginning to make sense now.

In life, 

Most people had their Venus energy of Love and Values

in alignment with their Mars energy of Passion and Drive.

Not her though. 

She had to be the one who put the two at war!

Instead of in a union,

 her Mars and Venus 

decided to go their separate ways.

But little did she know, 

Without the two working together,

in Love, 

There was never a Flow, no matter how much

effort she forced.

And this is where her Plutonic Twin came in.

He was reflecting to her,

through his own life turmoil's,

where she had been treating her own Venus

with disdain.

As hard as it was to wrap one's own head around

this type of magical fairytale fantasy,

She was always the creator of them, so she 

just knew.

It was now time to untwist the plot 

and slay the fire breathing dragon once and for all!

And so, during this New Moon Solar Eclipse,

she used the incoming energies to plant a new seed

for the ending she truly wished for in her own 

created story.

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