Friday, April 12, 2024

Lost Underground

The Aries Eclipse had brought in a ton of insight

for her. She was still processing through it all, when 

 she began to sense a repeat pattern creepin' up...

Could there be some unprocessed emotions

knockin at her door?

As she sat down and began to crack open her 

first Corona, she realized, yup! 

Sure enough, there was the pattern. 

Right there. 

in her right hand. 

The Beer. 

And that's exactly how easy it was. 

To blame it on something that had nothing to do 

with her reality. 

She was too smart for her own good. 

And this is why she needed her Plutonic Twin. 

Without him, she could never see where she was 

being Apathetic. 

Or in his words, 

"Zero Feelings, No Emotions."

This was dangerous ground. 

And without him, she was as good as Dead.

So everyday, she would look into her crystal ball,

and she would look for his next steps..

For they revealed to her, 

All her secrets. 

Which she kept so well hidden, that even she 

couldn't find them. 

Or could she? 


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