Sunday, April 28, 2024

Internal Sun Spots

 Mars conjuncting Neptune definitely had it bad for her. 

Neither of them were letting up one bit.




Try Again.

She hated it though. 


Hate was connected to Mad.

The feeling of mad. 

But why was she mad?

Could it be because she wasn't in control?


Her Eris energy loved to control!


~She re-winded her day...~


Everything was all out of sorts. 

Nothing was going as she wanted. 

She realized that no matter how hard she would 

try to work on her craft, 

no matter where she moved, there was always

some sort of block. 

She wondered,

 maybe she needed to focus 

first on getting her own place. 

So that way she could begin to focus more on her


But why did she have to put herself on hold?

This is what she didn't understand.

And even if it was true, then why did God not 

allow it?

Something was off.

She scratched her head in confusion

 then realized 

her Plutonic Twin was trying to come in..

Her Plutonic Twin had said that she was trying to 

reach him...

But that's when she realized at how and where exactly 

she was out of alignment.

Her own masculine and feminine energy were 

always going against each other. 

When the whole world was against them already,

they seemed to want to go against each other as well.

But why?

Why was it easier for them to break themselves down

instead of believe in themselves and build each other up?

Because together they would be the strongest force.

But not against the world. 

For their own evolution.

For their own truth.

And for their own Freedom and Peace.

Which is what everyone seemed to always want to seek.

So she decided to listen to her masculine energy. 

And her masculine energy decided to listen to her feminine energy.

And together they took the step forward. 





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