Saturday, April 27, 2024

Rose colored Truth

As she was snowballing down the mountain

 after the notorious Jupiter Uranus 


she realized the road ahead of her 

began to climb upward again!

Not another hill, she dreaded.

She tried to pull herself together. 

Clearly she was falling apart at the seams, 

but she sure as Heck wasn't going to allow anyone 

to see her fret.

So she reached down and pulled up her 

big girl britches, and tried to also pull the rest of 

herself together. 

This next big celestial event was lead by Mars in Pisces

conjuncting Neptune who was also in Pisces.

More water energy was so not needed, 

yet, there was water water everywhere!

Especially after the Scorpio Full Moon burst the flood gates

 of pent up emotions open just a couple of days ago!

This hill was putting a lot of pressure on her to own her 


However, in order to get a grip on her truth,

 she was supposed to feel and know 

what she valued through her true processed feelings!

And the Jupiter Uranus conjunction had somehow

 tripped her up earlier that week when she 

was so sure she was owning hers. 

Clearly not. 

So now what was she to do?

Everywhere she turned, she kept seeing that 

she was just some how supposed to do what she loved.

But the hardest part about doing something

she loved was deciding if what she thought

she loved was actually something she truly loved

or was it something she learned to love because 

it was what felt normal. 

But what was normal?

This is where she had a lot of revelation to be had,

because she was not one to conform to the 

values that already held the Earth hostage. 

And she knew Mars conjunct Neptune was going to 

be the first to jump in and help her. 

So she surrendered.

Let the games begin. 

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