Thursday, April 18, 2024

Sumthin' Pumpin'

 There was a huge Change coming.

 She was feeling it's pull. 

Little by little she was caving in to it's 

merciless powers.

Somehow she just knew that there was no way

in Heaven or Hell, 

that she would be able to resist or battle it.

She wondered, 

Should she do what she always did and just 

lay down and play dead, right now? 

Or should she wait till the actual day of,

and allow it to knock her down instead?

Decisions Decisions. 

She decided she wasn't going to be scared.


 she was going to face her fears head on.

And just what fears were those?

Fears that all this time, she had been doing 

everything wrong. 

Fears that she would have to go back to a life

she hated. 

So she took these fears to her Higher self and God,

and she laid it all down before them.

Of course, God had asked her,

 How she felt, almost instantly. 

She searched herself for the feelings deep 

within her core... 

She realized that she had felt super excited about 

what she was doing with her stars and planets

but was really scared about how it would all come together

in a way that would benefit her as well as the world. 

Her higher self told her to welcome the 

fear of the unknown


to be open to receive God's greatest good for all. 

With that,

 she took in a deep breathe

and then let it out slowly.

And it was then and there

that she opened heart

to receive.

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