Sunday, April 21, 2024

Worthy Cause

 The Jupiter Uranus Conjunction came in with 

a bang!

Or in her case, 

a Headache. 

She very well knew that a headache, within spirituality,

corresponded with a lack of believing in ones' self.

And sure enough, 

this was indeed the truth to her

 very own dilemma in this lifetime.

They called this very dilemma the Chiron Wound.

And boy was she constantly scratching hers open.

Why couldn't she just let it heal? 

Maybe it was because she needed one more 


And that antidote was called 

The Scorpio Full Moon!

Which of course was only 2 days away 

after the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. 

Could she live through it?

Scorpio wasn't an easy peas'y weenie..

Being into astrology as much as she was

 taught her that fact a long time ago. 

She wondered though...

Would this antidote be as bad as pouring alcohol on an 

open wound?

Nah, for Scorpio, that was too easy. 

Perhaps it would be as big as falling out of a tree

and breaking a bone in both legs!


That would be too harsh...

wouldn't it? 

She stopped herself from going down any further in thoughts

and decided to think the better of the Moon's gifts.

What if this Scorpio Moon was going to finally free her 

of her Black Moon Lilith Shame!

What if she was able to finally see her true worth in herself!

That would be the greatest evolutionary gift ever!

And all she had to do was 

to do the WORK!

What work?

Definitely not the physical work of working. 

She just had to do the emotional work of accepting 

her greatest fears. 

Which clearly rested in her listening to her own feelings

and allowing herself to move them in the right direction.

Her own Values! 

But what were her Values? 

Did she even know? 

~To Be Continued...~ 

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