Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Evil You Shun

The Lord of the Underworld and his Mistress Persephone

were ready and waiting at the Aquarius Door. 

Was she going to go another round with them?

That was the Million Dollar Question.

Not even 2 Degrees into the New Territory,

and she had already come crashing down at their feet.


Why couldn't she catch herself 

before she fell face first into Hell?


Nothing more than feelings!

That's why!

But really it was more then just feelings.

Feelings was only the beginning.

Most of her issues began when she didn't process hers.

Her Mercury had latched onto something she saw 

others do... 

Wash down the idea of actually having to make 

a decision for herself.

For her Values.


Why was she so afraid to hold her values High?

Was she afraid to lose them?

Was she afraid someone would take them?

Or was she afraid that if she kept it, 

she would lose everyone else?

All of these fears cried Victim Mentality.

She was not a victim. 

She was a fighter. 

But yet, 

when it came to her own heart and values,

who was she fighting for?

She realized that her Plutonic Twin had shown her

the real truth a couple of days ago. 

It was just up to her to see it. 

In their last conversation, 

which he initiated and dialed himself,

he said to her,

 "don't write or call me anymore", 

and then he blocked her.

At first she was thrown. 

Her masculine energy wanted to retaliate. 

But then she calmed herself down and really looked at

the reflection. 

He was male. 

She was a female. 

If in her body was a Masculine and Feminine Energy, 

perhaps her masculine energy 

was treating her feminine energy 

in exactly the same way. 

Putting her down. 

Never listening or working with her. 

Always just doing the same repeat patterns that never

led her out of the huge hole she had fallen into.



What a wake up call. 

She realized it was time to call in help.

And so during the stationing of Pluto going RX,

She picked up the phone and asked God to 

Send Her an Angel! 

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