Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Sun Venus Kissing Me

 With the Venus Superior Conjunction in Gemini

already in play, she knew it was time.. 

Venus was about to "Bring It!"

But was she ready? 

That was the main focus for her tonight.

Four years ago, her and Venus had come to an 


It was kind of like the God Father... 

Venus had made her an offer she couldn't refuse. 

But what did she do with it?

Did she refuse?

Or did she actually show up?

As she took a step back and looked over her life,

since June of 2020, 

she realized she was definitely in a whole 

new world since then.

She remembered that back during that time,

her mind had taken a huge hit! 

So huge that she had no choice but to 

Begin Again. 

As so she did. 

She began to seek out new ways of seeing life.

But little did she know, 

the mind she had known needed new tools. 

And she definitely wasn't going to seek new tools

with no one to reflect to her exactly where she was 

still believing in her old ways. 

And so this is where she was perfectly aligned

 with her Vertex Destined and Fated Moment. 

It was a Friday night as per usual and there 

in her favorite bar, 

doing her favorite dance routines, 

she happened upon her very own vertex.

Her Plutonic Twin. 


~Four years later~

It was the very beginning of June 2024.

After she had looked over all of her Venus Star Point

dated blogs, she came to the conclusion

that her Gemini Mind was so desperately ready

for a total and complete make over!

She knew she had done the shadow work,

and it was now high time to apply it. 

She saw exactly where she had let go of who 

she truly was in order to embrace 

who she truly was not. 

She had her Plutonic Twin to thank for 

all the help he was bestowing upon her through


Relational reflections. 

And so during this Superior Venus Conjunction, 

she felt herself evolving. 

Something deep within her was finally 

breaking free. 

And her Gemini mind was ready to 

take her hand and 

Begin Again. 

With God this time.

Not Fear.

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