Friday, June 21, 2024

Accept the Reject

 She was really hesitant to even write another blog entry, 

yet, something inside her was saying, 

Do It!

She knew that every time she had a man, 

she allowed herself to get so wrapped up in their

acceptance of her, that she would flip turn her self

completely upside down for them. 

Not this time. 

This time she was going to stay real. 

And blogging was something she did for herself, not them. 

The Full Moon in Capricorn was only mere hours away, 

and the Summer solstice had already set things 

in motion. 

She was finally beginning to see the truth of who she

truly was. 

And today was the first day to her new beginning.

She had launched her first video...

The very first video that was going to 

domino effect all the rest! 

She just knew it! 

As for the rest of her story, she really didn't know yet

where it would finally end up. 

Even though her Plutonic Twin Flame had taken a nose dive 

out of her life and into an empty pool. 

She knew that he would heal one day too. 

But until then, she couldn't just stand still and stagnate. 

She needed to begin moving forward again. 

It was time. 

And the Capricorn Full Moon was going to give her

the key. 

It would then be up to her to find the next door. 

Would the key fit? 

That was always the question. 

But the real answer always became evident in 

what was actually behind the door. 

One day,

she would be honest with herself. 

Was that day going to be today? 

One could only pray. 

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