Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Crash then Learn...

 It was 4 days after the Capricorn Full Moon.

Only 4 days after she had flip over the handle bars 

of her bike and crash landed on her back,

knocking the wind straight out of her.

Just 4 days of being tossed and turned 

over and over until she no longer could fight it.

"I'm gonna take your soul"

Those were the words she always read... 

Spying as she always did. 

And every time she read those words, 

she would think, 

Not mine you don't!

However, today... 

After seeing him. 

And talking to him. 

She realized that, when she read the words,

"I'm gonna take your soul" 

It was not hers that was being threatened. 

For she knew that with a true connection to God, 

the soul could never be taken. 

Unless it was GIVEN,

 because of Free will.

And she wasn't giving her soul to no one. 

It belonged to God. 

And that was her security. 







But so then she wondered, 

Why was she even spying?  

She would never have to see or even think about 

such fearful silly things if she could only 

just stay in her lane. 

Mind her own business.


basically just be the feminine energy 

that she had finally learned to go back to being. 

So she did. 

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