Wednesday, June 12, 2024

I forgive You and Me

It was time to stop fighting. 

She was tired of it. 

She wasn't going to support it any longer. 

It was never her. 

It was time to accept the truth.

"The door is locked now,

But it's open if your true... 

If you can understand the me, 

then I can understand the you."

~Metallica The Unforgiven II ~

So tonight she finally made up her mind, 

and she told him the truth. 

It's not that she didn't believe that he could do it. 

In fact she knew that he could. 

But it was more about her. 

It was about what she wasn't getting. 

A chance. 

And she deserve that much. 

Even if it wasn't from him. 

Sometimes the biggest sacrifice that could 

ever be made, 

was the one that she made for herself. 

To save her own soul. 

And that is exactly what she decided to do 


as she let him go finally. 

He was now free. 

No more would she fight to hold on.

Her grip was weakening. 

And she couldn't find any motivation anymore

to hold her,

to grip her,

to keep her... 

She was Alone. 


And she was okay with that. 

Because Everyone 

Died alone. 

And she knew that.


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