Friday, June 28, 2024

The Prize

 "Don't make me the star of your videos." 

Those were the very words that kept echoing in her mind.

Even days and days later. 

She wondered, 

Maybe he was right...

Why was she always so focused on making men in her life

the star? 

The Prize?

She knew very well that they were not. 



Just maybe...

Those words coming from him, 

was exactly what she needed to hear in order to finally see it!

See what she was doing. 

By choosing to focus on him and all that he didn't have. 


 all that he didn't possess.


even all the mistakes he would make... 

She realized now, 

that perhaps, 

she was allowing him too much fame

in what was supposed to be



She needed to switch her perspective. 

And so she did. 

It was only a day and a half before Saturn was going 

to go


And in Pisces,

 of all zodiac signs. 

Pisces was the sign of subconscious false beliefs. 

As well as the sign of self sacrifice, 

which is exactly what she had done,

pretty much her whole life. 

It was finally time to stop. 

Stop selling herself short. 

Stop casting all these guys as the stars 

to all the hard work she would do.

Yeah, maybe she was overdoing the work. 

Maybe she was even doing all the work. 

And maybe it was all her fault. 

But the main fact in all of it was that it was all about HER.

Not Him. 

She was the PRIZE. 

She was the one that this whole blog was about. 

Not them. 


Not Him. 

So there. 

She decided to agree with him. 

And that made her 

the best character in the story. 

She was the STAR!


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