Monday, July 1, 2024

Earth Angel

The Pressure was beginning to build. 

She could feel it all through her being. 

First, Saturn had decided to turn back time 

just as Cher wished... 

He was going to go all the way back to March 24th

of the year 2024.

For her, that meant it was finally going to be time to release

all the resentments she had collected.


The first one being the biggest...

Leaving a life she had built for herself up 


 was a huge weight she had been carrying since March 24th.

But the only way she could let it go correctly

would be to see exactly why she had let it all go.

Was she even in trouble? 


She actually had two hopeful events set up before 

she bolted. 

But what had made her bolt? 


That's what. 

Where was that wonderful song by Bobby Mcferrin,

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

When she really needed it? 

Maybe that was the problem.

She didn't have a security net in place. 

For those unpredictable hard times.

As well as for those out of the blue

 uncomfortable feelings type of days. 

So she learned that with her self betrayal fiend

what she would have to do, is make friends with him.

And in that way, she could serve him the right way. 

Through forgiveness! 

 Which provided him with freedom. 

And in that way, 

they were both happy! 

She wanted to end it there,

But Saturn said,

So of course, 

she knew, 

it was time to dig a little deeper. 

As she began to shovel years and years of pain

up from deep within her, 

she came upon a box. 

She put down her shovel and gently picked up

the small Pandora's box. 

She wiped off years and years of shame

and rejection that had covered the beautiful 

art on the front of it.

And there on top of the little Pandora's box 

she noticed, 

was a poem. 

In this box

no matter how small

is the only key

that will save you

from the Fall. 

Please Open Me!

A tear rolled down her cheek.

She knew exactly what was in there. 

It was her heart. 

But she wanted to be sure... 

So she looked for the clasp and she found a 

combination lock instead.

To her surprise, 

it wasn't a normal combination lock.


It had Nine Numbers to be decoded. 


The number of endings



Was she really ready?

If she could decode it, then she was. 

And so she began to think of what numbers

she could try 

when a voice said to her, 

"You know this by heart." 

And she really did. 

So she Picked up the dial

and allowed her fingers to push


And the little box sprung open!

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