Wednesday, July 3, 2024

This or Something Better...

The words;

 "Little Control Freak..."

were spoken to her rather suddenly,

and it made her jump back a little...

How Nice, she thought.

Finally someone else recognized the very "Title"

 she used to Honor

and Cherish about herself long long ago...

Until just recently. 

It was time to let it go.
This false idea 
that she was going to be happy
trying to control all the things in her life
by manifesting with only 
what she knew and what was already out there.. 
Which she admitted, was nothing good.
And so today... 
The day that Neptune was going to go retrograde...
She decided to just surrender 
to the Universe. 
To finally allow for a new flow to be initiated.
With the Cancer New moon only two days away, 
she knew it was the perfect time for her 
to plant her new seeds. 
And just what seeds would those be?
She tried to think real hard on them, 
but something told her no. 
"Don't think" it said. 
"Feel into what you truly want to manifest next."

And so she grabbed her head set and put 
on her favorite music... 
The music carried her mind far far away from 
the land of thinking. 
And she ended up in pain!
After the song, 
Spring Love 
by Stevie B...
She realized that a sudden pain struck her
middle back area, right where her heart was located.
The part of her heart that was supposed to be open to receive. 
She realized now, that this part of her heart was always 
on lock down.
There was a HUGE WALL built in place.
Nothing was ever going to come threw it!
But this was hurting her. 
She felt it now. 
Like really felt it.
And she wondered... 
What was she really protecting herself from?
Allowing for abundance of peace love and joy to come in?
She realized now that maybe as a child, 
she was hurt or deceived. 
Betrayed even. 
But she had since learned how to identify
and move emotions
in order to continue moving forward in truth. 
She knew now, that she was always
 in control of herself. 
But she definitely did not need to control 
anything outside of her. 
She just had to let it all flow
in and then some out. 
And that was the beauty of Life. 

It was now time for her to plant the new seeds
of Love. 
She knew that she had felt it once. 
And then lost it suddenly, 
due to her 
Control freak issues... 
But she knew now that she was ready 
to try again. 
She was willing. 
And so she set her Cancer New Moon intentions 
to allow the universe to bring in 
her Spring Love,
 Something Better.

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