Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Life Force or Flow?

 She was getting ready to create a completely

new identity...

One more time,

For the people in the back!

But maybe that was it. 

The people in the back, 

were still people sitting in front of her.

She was the puppet. 

Center stage no less, but still a slave

to the show. 

And this is where she finally saw it. 

Her Mindset Mistake in life. 

An actor played a part for a movie, 

not the people who would or would not watch it.

The movie was what made the actor famous.

Not the people. 

It was the craftsmanship that went into the character.

Which in turn helped the movie come to life.

Which is what drew people in. 

The life force energy was important. 

Only with her... 

Every time she would create a new identity, 

she was forgetting this one important part. 

This one crucial part. 

The life force energy of it. 

Where was her life force energy though?

She knew where it was not.

That's for sure.

But so then where was it?

She didn't know. 

Just like the wedding ring she buried

when she was just 3years old. 

"Where is it?" 

They would ask. 

"I don't Know..."

"I don't know.."




And she still didn't know. 

Would she ever?

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