Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Self Contained

 Today, she was looking over the "Whys".


Why did she not have feelings like other women?

Why was she so strong when it came to detaching?

But also, 

Why did she have so much insight

 about other people's truths?


Why couldn't she leave them alone?


 with that last one, 

she knew very well 

that it was attached to pride. 

And so she let that one slide.

But with all the others, 

she really wanted to know. 

And that knowing came to her, 

almost instantly. 

It was just up to her to finally listen to it 

and accept it for what it truly was. 


Her who? 


Just Her. 

That's who she was. 

That's who she always was. 

And that's who she always will be. 

Take it. 


Leave it. 

She didn't care. 

What she really did care about though... 

Was Truth. 

And only those who had it.... 

Would ever find themselves in her presence

long enough to really matter. 

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