Saturday, August 3, 2024

Hidden Request

It was 2 Days before the New Moon in Leo

was going to unveil to her 

where she had hid the Key... 

The Key to her very own Heart. 

But it was up to her to actually pay attention.

To be Aware.

And to actually Breathe. 

Did she even know how to do that though?

No doubt she was breathing, 

but was she Really breathing though? 

Or was she waiting to exhale?

Sometimes it was just easier for her to hold her


She caught herself several times in life breathing 

quite differently then all the others. 

It was as if she was afraid to fit in.

Because she knew damn well that she didn't. 

Never did. 

Never will. 

Because she never wanted to. 

But so then what did she want?

That was the question of the day.

The question of the year. 

The century!

She could talk circles. 

She could talk about so much nothing 

forever if she had to. 

And she almost did.. 

But it seems she was out of time.

It was now or never. 

It was finally time to stop talking sh*t... 


Begin talking Truth.

The whole truth and nothing but the truth. 

But could she?

Should she?

Would she? 

But so she gave it a thought and figured that this time,

she was going to try. 

The question always looming was 

What did she want?

She wanted to Not Be Wrong. 

All her life, 

it was this very FEAR 

that she made 

her one and only Goal,

But little did she know, 

A FEAR was NEVER meant to be 

a GOAL. 

She had taken the 6 biggest helpers in her life


and turned her back on them. 

Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, and Venus

were the ones who held the Key 

that she had always needed 

to open doors for her in this lifetime.

But she turned her back on them. 

So now, 

If she was to stop babbling lie after lie, 

what would she truly want?

For herself?

And so she thought for a second, 

and then took out her natal chart. 

She took a long hard glance at it and then began to write, 

Being a Twin Flame Energy, 

I will take care and always value myself 

and all the great gifts God had gifted in me. 

I am my own cheerleader and do not need 

anyone to validate me, 

because by being who God made me 

and shining my light daily

is validation enough that I am worth


The relationship I have with God and myself 

is my attraction to all that I am. 

I will practice discernment 

in everything I choose to go towards,

and will one day 

attract my own reflection in a life partner to share 

my vision and values with.

For this is my Goal in this lifetime. 

To love  and respect another as much as 

I love and respect myself, 

And them reciprocating the same in equal return to me. 

When she finished writing it, 

she felt so naked.

So vulnerable... 

She couldn't believe she was going to finally be 

so honest. 

But she realized something... 

She really didn't care what anyone would think. 

She knew what she wanted and who she was. 

And that was enough for her. 

She knew now, 


Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Venus

were all right by her side, 

leading, guiding, and helping her every step of the way. 

And with that, 

she felt absolutely safe, valued, confident, and Loved

in every which way!

And now the Key... 

Would she be granted with the Key?

The one she Lost? 

Find out in 2 Days! 

As would she... 

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