Friday, August 30, 2024

Fight KLuB

 It had all finally come together... 

The Holy Spirit had finally succeeded in getting 

her to see the truth,

the whole truth, 

and nothing but the truth. 

It was the final countdown before two of 

the biggest events were to occur and really shake things up! 

Uranus turning Retrograde as well as Pluto jumping head first back into 

Capricorn all on the same day, September 1st, 2024,

was definitely making her feel all the pressure!

As she was trying to stay open to the massive changes 

streaming in, she realized that it definitely was bringing up 

a whole lot of old family wounds. 

No communication skills what so ever. 

and they didn't even care to learn a new way. 

They just kept going as if everything was the way it 

should be. 

But to her,

 sickness was definitely not a sign that 

everything was in accordance with God's

 Love, Peace, and Harmony. 

Who were these people she grew up with? 

Where was their faith?

Why were they all heading into the slaughter 

and wanting to drag her with them!  

No thank you. 

She knew she knew better then that. 

She knew the Holy Spirit. 

She had called him in often and repented her sins on a 

daily basis. 

Which in her family the word 'God' used to be a word of 

threat or manipulation. 

How Horrible she thought. 

She really had to begin to consider what she truly needed

 in order to move it on up. 

But she had also learned not to write it out anymore. 

No one was going to derail her anymore. 

She was learning to protect herself 

with God's word, 

and Holy Spirit. 

As well as be in her own Sovereign Authority!

She also was learning to let go of all the narcissistic

ways she would treat herself all because 

her entire family had mastered the art of it. 

To the point that they couldn't even see it,

 just as she couldn't for the longest time. 

At least Not without her Plutonic Twin.

But she was now strengthening.

She learned and accepted  

God and the Holy spirit as her guide in this life.

Not others. 

She was also learning a lot about the false beliefs  

that had always been spinning around her in life.

She was with the wrong clan.

The wrong tribe. 

And she had finally realized that when she chose to 

love herself and have boundaries. 

These people, 

didn't agree. 

Instead they mocked her and belittled her,

But this time...

She wasn't fighting. 

She realized that she didn't need to prove anything.

Not to them, 

not to the world, 

and not even to herself.

She knew who she was. 

And she was Magic. 

It was time to own it. 

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