Friday, August 9, 2024

Infinite Desires on Fire

 The 888 Portal was happening all around the world...

And she knew it was calling to her. 

And so she answered back. 


Yes was her answer. 

But what was the question?

Did she deserve what she dreamed of?

And the answer of course was,


Yes she did. 

And so she set it into motion. 

First by cutting off a Limbo Lingering Past connection.

Being in Limbo Land was definitely not 

her cup of tea! 

Let alone something 

she ever thought she would find herself in.

However, here she was,

 10 months into one,

but no no no no\NO! 


She was definitely not the type of person 

to actually allow herself to stay in it. 

She knew her worth. 

She felt it. 

But that Unconditional false belief of hers 

sometimes managed to over ride her 

internal truth. 

The truth that she was Love. 

But not stupid Love.

Not Punch Drunk Love. 

No No No! 

Definitely not her. 

And so she finally allowed herself to cut it off. 

For good. 

Bye Bye Forgotten. 

Moving on. 

And so, in the light of the 888 Lions Gate Portal, 

she allowed herself the benefit 

of compassion and forgiveness, 


then she began planting her new seeds. 

She was going to finally attract her true Venus Desires! 

Because she knew she was worth it. 

And that she really deserved it. 

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